Acumen Coaching
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Acumen Coaching and Therapies

Our team of therapists will help you restore vibrant health and vitality. If you are suffering from anxiety, depression or physical pain our therapists have the tools to help you. Our therapies are drug-free, non-invasive, safe and effective.

Kinesiology, Reflexology, Therapeutic Massage and Diet and Nutrition advice are combined to deal with health issues in a holistic way. Counselling is also available with our Psychotherapist

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Clinic

If you or someone you care about suffers from addiction to drugs or alcohol, contact us about addiction counselling with a psychotherapist who specialises in this area.

Spinal and Neuro-Developmental Clinic

Our Chartered Physiotherapist specialises in spinal problems. He also provides
Neuro-Developmental therapy for groups and individuals who are recovering from brain injuries.


For appointments phone 021 4676407 or 087 7513709.

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acumen : keen insight; shrewdness, accuracy.
origin : [Latin acumen, from acuere, to sharpen].